Archaeological Dig

Last year the Estate Development Team and the Easter Bush Farms Team helped to create a mock excavation site on the Easter Bush campus, home to The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.

Five human skeleton models in archaeological dig site

Working closely with Dr Linda Fibiger, Programme Co-Director in Human Osteoarchaeology at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, James Nixon, Farm Estate Manager and Karen Aitchison, Shepherd - Animal Technician a suitable site was located on the campus in Midlothian.

The secure area was then prepared to create a mock excavation site for Archaeology students, using human skeleton models to simulate an archaeological excavation scenario.  

Rachel Caswell, Estate Development Manager - Easter Bush said "It has been great to bring students studying in the Central Area to the Easter Bush campus, an area of the University they would often not know about. This has been something very different for us to work on and has been quite a unique project!”

The most recent mock dig for students took place at that start of May, with further digs planned next spring.