Our team

Our Security Team is made up over 60 officers with various roles and responsibilities, easily recognisable by our red uniform jackets.

Security Section

Contact details

Senior team

Nial Moffat, Security Managernial.moffat@ed.ac.uk
James Broomfield, Security Operations Manager james.broomfield@ed.ac.uk
Gareth Satherley, Security Operations Managergareth.satherley@ed.ac.uk
Eric White, Acting Deputy Security Operations ManagerEric.White@ed.ac.uk

 Security Events 

Keith Wilson, Security Events Manager                 kwilso15@exseed.ed.ac.uk

Crime Prevention 

Neil Doig, Crime Prevention Officerndoig@exseed.ed.ac.uk
Alan Forbes, Crime Prevention Officeralan.forbes@ed.ac.uk